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Directors voice the need to reform censor board certification

The Bangladesh Film Censor Board is the regulatory body responsible for reviewing new films submitted by filmmakers—board members assess films to determine if they should be approved for release. 
They may have the right to request that certain scenes be reshot or removed, but this form of control has created hindrances in the production stage of creativity and expression in this country for far too long. Additionally, there have been several cases where films have been denied clearance, preventing them from being shown in theatres and thus limiting the audience’s ability to view them.
For years, artistes and directors have voiced their varied opinions on the role of the censor board. While some argue that the board should be abolished entirely, others believe that it needs significant reforms. There’s also a call from certain vested quarters for the introduction of a certification system instead of outright censorship.
Several famed directors have ultimately shared their thoughts on the matter with The Daily Star.
Mamunur Rashid: 
The actor and director Mamunur Rashid expressed his views by stating that while the existence of a censor board is necessary, it should not operate as it does currently. “I suggest that a certification system be implemented, where films are categorised based on age suitability, such as marking certain movies for audiences aged 18 or 30 and above.” 
Rashid emphasised the need to revamp the formation of the committee within the censor board, insisting, “Only qualified individuals, true cinema enthusiasts, should be appointed. It is important to move away from politically motivated appointments as well. According to me, these reforms are essential for fulfilling the board’s purpose effectively.”
Salahuddin Lavlu: 

The veteran industry figure explained, “Various opinions and criticisms have surfaced regarding the censor board over time, highlighting the need for a resolution. It’s not uncommon for films to be denied clearance, halting their release. Directors are often asked to cut certain scenes or reshoot them, which can be a daunting task after the film’s completion. Why should a director be stripped of creative freedom? Why should a writer be denied their voice?” 
“The film industry, like all forms of art, thrives on independence. Art is a unique medium, with its language that reflects on society and speaks for the people. It’s not something that should be curtailed by arbitrary whims. This is why the reform of the censor board is crucial. The goal isn’t to eliminate the board but to transform it by appointing individuals who are genuinely qualified for the role,” he added.
Badrul Anam Saud: 

“In most civilised nations, censor boards are unnecessary. However, in our country, there’s still a need for such a body, albeit in a different form. I believe we should transition to a certification system instead. This approach could be implemented gradually, allowing certification to operate for a few years. After three years, the role of the censor board should be phased out completely.” 
“The change won’t happen overnight, but as the certification system takes root, the influence of the censor board will diminish over time. It’s essential to form a committee comprised of individuals who have a deep understanding of global cinema, have extensively studied the medium, and are passionate about filmmaking,” the filmmaker stressed.
S A Haque Olike: 

“What we need is not a censor board, but a censor certification board. This has been a long-standing demand from our filmmakers and industry professionals. We’ve advocated for this change for years, and it’s not just the desire of a few individuals; it’s a collective demand from the entire industry. The role of the current censor board is to grant clearance for films. In contrast, a certification board would provide appropriate certifications.”
“Directors create a wide variety of films—some with political themes, some for children, others focusing on romance. A proper certification could distinctly indicate the intended audience for each film. When a movie gets held up in the current system, it causes significant financial loss to both directors and producers, considering filmmaking is a costly project.” 
“Of course, each country has its own set of policies, and that will continue to be the case. However, if a film is deemed to go against the state’s interests, then the censor certification board should have the authority to make the necessary decisions.”
